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How Hospitality Can Help Us Reach Others, with Angela Sackett

How Hospitality Can Help Us Reach Others, with Angela Sackett

Why is hospitality something that you personally are passionate about? My parents were divorced when I was very young and I lived in a lot of different places, went to a lot of different schools. I had a longing to be included, to feel like I had a place where people knew me. I think that we serve and we give to others out of the places that we have longing for.

New Directions for the New Year

New Directions for the New Year

My favorite day of the year is January 1 because I love the whole concept of a fresh start. New calendars. New goals. New “word of the year.” A new theme! During 2024, Married to the Ministry will be focusing more on Delight, which is part of our ministry tagline. 

What Mary Teaches Us About Doing Hard Things

What Mary Teaches Us About Doing Hard Things

On Wednesday nights at our church, I’ve been teaching a Moms of the Bible in the women’s discipleship class. While studying Mary’s story, I realized she left a great example we can follow about how to handle hard things in our lives. Her story is told in the first two chapters of both Matthew