by Janet Addison | Apr 23, 2024 | Money
While going through the Experiencing God Bible study several years ago, I heard Henry Blackaby say that every time God moved them to a different church, they took a pay cut and had a baby. I remember that comment whenever we start a new ministry job and think, “Well, at least we’re not having another baby!”
by Janet Addison | Apr 9, 2024 | Money
Has your family ever struggled to make ends meet on a ministry income? Financial expert Rachel Cruze encourages pastors’ wives with smart money tips that can help your family find financial peace. She and her father Dave Ramsey have taught millions how to win with money by avoiding debt, spending wisely, and saving for the future. What are some financial areas that ministry couples really struggle with the most?
by Janet Addison | Mar 26, 2024 | Family & Parenting, Pastor Wife Identity / Role
Mallory and her husband Josh are church planters in the Memphis, Tennessee, area and they’re raising two boys in ministry. In addition to hosting the Faithful31Moms podcast for Love Worth Finding, Mallory has also written a children’s book about the names of God.
by Janet Addison | Mar 12, 2024 | Home Stress
Are you suffering from CHAOS, or Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome? I’ve encountered many women who are afraid to invite people into their homes because of all the mess. I used to be one of those women! Our house was a mess all the time, which caused constant inner turmoil for me—embarrassment, guilt, stress, and a sense of failure. It caused problems in my
by Janet Addison | Feb 27, 2024 | Counseling, Loneliness
For several years Tina Thompson was a pastor’s wife, but her husband now serves churches as a consultant, so she’s a non-traditional ministry wife. As a biblical counselor, however, Tina says she’s seen both sides of ministry, since she counsels ministers’ wives....
by Janet Addison | Feb 13, 2024 | Home Stress
Mom warned that she would not keep the kids for me to go globe trotting on foreign mission trips every year. I did NOT like her attitude about that whole situation!
But God used that wisdom from my mother to help me learn some powerful principles about WHAT I should be doing as a ministry wife and WHEN I should be doing it.
by Janet Addison | Jan 30, 2024 | Connecting
Why is hospitality something that you personally are passionate about? My parents were divorced when I was very young and I lived in a lot of different places, went to a lot of different schools. I had a longing to be included, to feel like I had a place where people knew me. I think that we serve and we give to others out of the places that we have longing for.
by Janet Addison | Jan 16, 2024 | Connecting
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Podcasting is an effective way to reach people in your ministry circle of influence whether it’s a Bible study class or youth group, your whole church family or even your community. This post is part 2 of Creative Ways
by Janet Addison | Jan 2, 2024 | Practical Truth
My favorite day of the year is January 1 because I love the whole concept of a fresh start. New calendars. New goals. New “word of the year.” A new theme! During 2024, Married to the Ministry will be focusing more on Delight, which is part of our ministry tagline.
by Janet Addison | Dec 12, 2023 | Practical Truth
On Wednesday nights at our church, I’ve been teaching a Moms of the Bible in the women’s discipleship class. While studying Mary’s story, I realized she left a great example we can follow about how to handle hard things in our lives. Her story is told in the first two chapters of both Matthew