by Janet Addison | Jan 30, 2024 | Connecting
Why is hospitality something that you personally are passionate about? My parents were divorced when I was very young and I lived in a lot of different places, went to a lot of different schools. I had a longing to be included, to feel like I had a place where people knew me. I think that we serve and we give to others out of the places that we have longing for.
by Janet Addison | Jan 16, 2024 | Connecting
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Podcasting is an effective way to reach people in your ministry circle of influence whether it’s a Bible study class or youth group, your whole church family or even your community. This post is part 2 of Creative Ways
by Janet Addison | Nov 28, 2023 | Connecting, Ministry Issues & Stress
Building a culture on your church staff was very important to you, and y’all had a vision for how you wanted the staff to function and get along well, which was possible, I guess, over years as you were building and adding to your staff. Not that we all need to be best friends, and I’ve told my staff wives that, we don’t need to be best friends, but we need to be friendly.
by Janet Addison | Nov 21, 2023 | Connecting, Ministry Issues & Stress
Do you have another woman in your life teaching you how to be a good pastor’s wife? Have you ever been mentored in your role or are you having to figure it out by yourself as you go along?
by Janet Addison | Sep 5, 2023 | Connecting
Sometimes it’s hard to feel connected to the people at church, especially if you haven’t been there very long. Or when your congregation is growing so fast you can’t keep up with everybody! If you could use some creative ways to connect with your church family, here are three things that have helped us engage with our congregation.
by Janet Addison | Jun 27, 2023 | Connecting, Pastor Wife Identity / Role
Sometimes we ministry wives can be expected to pray and teach just like our husbands do, right? But if you don’t know the audience well or feel comfortable preparing a lesson, there’s always one story you can share with anyone: